Raising awareness of the use of natural resources and sustainability of the ecosystem, has achieved the production of materials friendlier to the planet and less destructive with the forest mass.
The eco wood panel (Wood Plastic Composite) allows all this through production technique that requires a lot of esswood, which uses recycled materials, obtaining equally satisfactory results and even much more creatives.
What makes it different

Our products

Our TÁVOLAnot only has a texture ofrealwood,but also has a life longerlifespan than realwood and does notrequire no maintenance. Our panels have resistance to high ressure, weather resistance,resistance to scratch,waterproof and flame retardant,the WPCcomposite decking has a long lifespan compared to others coatings.
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Creativity no longer has limits PIATTO panels allow to execute ideas and shapes into tangible realities, creating unique spaces with a lot of personality.
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You can use the NASTRO reference in your walls or in skies, giving it a touch warm and unique to your spaces..
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WPCpanels have a naturalwood appearance durable, environmentally friendly environment and do not need any maintenance, or ongoing expenses thatthey require a lot oftime.
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